Archives for posts tagged ‘stone’

Johan Rosenmunthe

Johan Rosenmunthe Work from Tectonic. “Stones transcend human life and experience. They live on different time scales to humans, exist on other planets and fall from the sky to Earth. Both art and philosophy have looked upon the stone before (think Sartre’s nausea at pebbles on the beach) because they are compelling objects of alchemical […]

Martina Klein

Martina Klein Work from her oeuvre (and in part from her current exhibition at Galerie Tschudi. “Martina Klein, born in 1962 in Trier (DE), makes large monochrome canvases, which are most of the time not hanging on the wall in an usual way, but stand against the wall or stand free in space, like an […]

Wim Borst

Wim Borst Work from his oeuvre. “Wim Borst became a professional ceramist at a rather advanced age. At the age of 31 he exhibited for the first time. As a self taught artist he took lessons in ceramics from Ru de Boer and Emmy van Deventer a.o. His oeuvre and career are characterized by a […]

Ugo Rondinone

Ugo Rondinone Work from Soul. “…Taken as a whole, his work represents a complex network of responses to social and physical structures. By allowing himself the freedom to work within a wide variety of disciplines and media, Rondinone creates the conditions necessary to explore a broad emotional range. His work has become widely recognized for […]

Giulio Paolini

Giulio Paolini Work from his oeuvre. “…From the inception of Arte povera in the late 1960s Paolini was considered one of its leading exponents. Although he shared the conceptual emphasis of his colleagues, during the 1970s he turned increasingly to an investigation of the whole system of art as recorded in museums. The most famous […]

Henrik Menné

Henrik Menné Work from his oeuvre. “Whether they are dynamic or static; sculptures by Henrik Menné are basically about process, balance and about organizing matter through both rigid systems and chance. The major part of Mennés production consists of large-scale machines or arrangements temporarily put at work when exhibited – all sculptures are ‘in the […]

Gregory Polony

Gregory Polony Work from his oeuvre (mostly Debut, his ongoing show at Herrmann Germann in Zürich) “The exhibition focuses on how we approach and interpret sculpture. Extending across various media, and partly site-specific, Gregory Polony’s work draws on a reduced palette of materials, including found objects, cement, wooden boards, and lashing belts. His conceptual approach […]