James Abbott McNeil Whistler From Top to Bottom: Nocturne: Blue and Gold – Southampton Water (1872), Nocturne (1875-1880), Nocturn in Black and Gold, the Falling Rocket (1875), Nocturne (1878) “Whistler’s aim in these works was to convey a sense of the beauty and tranquility of the Thames by night. It was Frederick Leyland who first used the name ‘nocturne’ to describe […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘water’
Andy Boot
Monday, 4 February 2013
Andy Boot Work from his oeuvre. “…The works are part of Andy Boot’s ongoing investigation of different zones or planes integral to the organization of an image: Andy Boot asks, all but rhetorically, not to mention paradoxically, if it is possible to make an image that is not an image. Indeed, what constitutes an image now that […]
Pamela Rosenkranz
Friday, 9 November 2012
Pamela Rosenkranz Work from her oeuvre. “Rosenkranz is interested in evolutionary mechanisms and processes, that seem to be the basis of how people are organized in a society. The artist is interested in the differences between body and mind, in human interactions, and in men’s relationship to nature. Rosenkranz explores these interests, utilizing scientific explanations […]
Jacinda Russell
Saturday, 25 August 2012
Jacinda Russell Work from Nine Fake Cakes and Nine Bodies of Water. “I photograph worn, dilapidated objects with a history that expresses loss and sadness. These forms are ultimately self-portraits, communicating to the viewer significant memories that I am unwilling to let go. Spring 2010 featured several personal and career related disappointments and for the […]
David Bowen
Monday, 13 February 2012
David Bowen Work from Tele-Present Water “This work or installation draws information from the intensity and movement of the water in a remote location. Wave data is being collected in real-time from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data buoy station 46246 (49°59’7″ N 145°5’20” W) on the Pacific Ocean. The wave intensity and frequency is […]
John Opera
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
John Opera Work from his oeuvre. “Working simultaneously with the culturally historicized trope of landscape photography and the conceptual, experimental photograph, John Opera is concerned with the way the natural, exterior world and the abstract, interior world converge. Opera creates heavily charged landscapes that directly address presence and absence, being and non-being, in the choices […]