Work from their oeuvre.

“…Complicating their position, Keller and Kosmas state, “Acting as both patron and proprietor of an all-you-can eat-buffet, Aids-3D dynamically hedges its positions — deciding, juxtaposing and networking to effectively manage their risk while providing unique works which attempt to satisfy market criteria.” I understand this, roughly, to mean, “As a self-reflexive, somewhat cynical attempt to exist successfully in the contemporary art market, we present to you a ‘smorgasboard’ of aesthetic options in the metaphorical form of the risk-mediating device, the sneezeguard.” Here, the appropriated industrial term “risk” seems to act as a double entrendre, meaning both “to protect the public from health risks from accidentally ejected bodily fluids” referencing the alienating paranoia of contamination in corporate culture, but also “risk” referencing the creation of art works as a “business” of sorts, tapping into and weighing aesthetic options in order to succeed financially in the art world—itself a market exchanging intellectualized luxury goods…” – excerpt via Rhizome.

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