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Curated by Attilia Fattori Franchini 

Works by Cornelia Baltes, Nicolas Deshayes, Adham Faramawy, Jack LavenderBerry Patten, Sabrina Ratté, Travess Smalley, Oliver Sutherland

Chimera Q.T.E. works as a proposition on different levels. It celebrates chaos and the order that comes out of it. Its intention is to activate different types of readings and  understandings, questioning the status of our relationship with what is considered visual and how we absorb it.

We are increasingly related to fragmentation and constantly exposed to information, images, ideas. We flickr through things, in a jungle of ever-coming documentation or replicas of reality. Knowledge is suddenly approached on its surface, we know everything but we are never experts. Yet this multiplicity, instead of flattening sources and outcomes, transforms each particle into inspiration and opens new forms of sensorial relations. Cracks and disjunctions become drives in artistic production.

The form of representation which the exhibition lays on is dynamic and non-linear, it calls for the same type of reception.

C e l l  Pr o j e c t  S p a c e

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