Daniel Chew

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Daniel Chew


Work from Search Terms

“With the work search terms I am interested in a space that exists differently when viewed in the virtual and the physical, in this case the place of the mirror within the image. While green screen technology enables a juxtaposition of infinite possibilities, its reading of space applies like a blanket statement. It is unable to understand the space of the mirror and would destroy any reflection if its operation ever concluded. To the human eye, the reflection of the mirror would not be lost, but would only point to the inconsistency of the digital image, highlighting the mistake. A map would appear, an X marking an area where the reflection curves the digital space a tiny bit to allow room for something else. A gesture not understood by technology. But what is able to exist in this space? Perhaps potentially a place where we can exist physically, a place where a reflection of our body can be sensed through one-hundred-forty words, connecting us with someone else. The sheer joy of a physicality that we feel, but never understand. Making it impossible to be surveilled, compiled, turned into data, and posted to Facebook.” –Daniel Chew

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