New Hells

installkurian greenberg  troemel

“New Hells” at Derek Eller Gallery.

Work by Huma Bhabha, Violet Dennison, Mark Flood, Jason Fox, Jesse Greenberg, Nancy Grossman, Max Klinger, Ajay Kurian, Peter Linde Busk, Rose Marcus, Lionel Maunz, Félicien Rops, Brad Troemel, Jean Veber, Jamian Juliano-Villani, Julia Wachtel, Michael Wang, Ivan Witenstein

Everything seen…
Everything had…
Everything known…
-Arthur Rimbaud, “Departure”

With neuroimaging mapping the brain’s pathways of thought and emotion into knowable terrains, the NSA’s omniscience, Google’s purchase of surveillance companies DropCam and Nest, big data integration and quantification, and the constant objectification of life via digital photography and social media, the assertion of interior space and visionary possibilites is all the more important. New Hells juxtaposes this interior, psychological space with work that addresses current developments in bio-technology, social engineering, virtual fantasy, corporate culture, and sexnology. If, as D.H. Lawrence writes, “To know a thing is to kill it,” New Hells is concerned with what’s still breathing.!” – Isaac Lyles/Derek Eller Gallery

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