Gregory Krum

Gregory Krum

Work from …Practice…


Three approaches to a fundamental concept:
– Devotion to an endeavor. Manifested as images from the climbers’ cemetery in Zermatt at the base of the Matterhorn, images of dust and sand whose form is stolen from pictures I love or react to, i.e. Vija Celmins or Thomas Struth. Portraits of houseplants made with a cell phone camera, and in the case of Cherifa Tree whose form is stolen from Brice Marden and whose content is stolen from the tree through which Jane Bowles’ lover, Cherifa, controlled her.

– Interiors that explore objects as containers of meaning, the meaning we place in them, and the extent to which all man-made objects are an act of communication.

– Devotional offerings…the daily practice. Here is to all the unprovable truths, bravely fueled solely by belief.” – via Jen Bekman Projects

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