Archives for posts tagged ‘jen bekman’

Gregory Krum

Gregory Krum Work from …Practice… ____________________________ Three approaches to a fundamental concept:– Devotion to an endeavor. Manifested as images from the climbers’ cemetery in Zermatt at the base of the Matterhorn, images of dust and sand whose form is stolen from pictures I love or react to, i.e. Vija Celmins or Thomas Struth. Portraits of […]

Justin James King

Justin James King Work from And Still We Gather With Infinite Momentum. “Justin James King radically intervenes in the common spectacle of the tourist vista by removing the view itself. A lone figure stands on a promontory gazing out into the utter void. Commenting on the reflexive act of looking (and by extension, on the […]

Matthew Tischler

Matthew Tischler Work from Screen Series. I was made aware of Tischler’s work through a mailing from Jen Bekman’s 20×200 project. You can see Tischler’s work (and buy it) here. “Technology has enormously impacted our perception of the world. Aside from the practical and pragmatic functions of computers in our time, the digital revolution has […]