Archives for posts tagged ‘charts’

Adrien Lucca

Adrien Lucca Work from D65. More info on colorimetry here. Lucca is currently working on a software collaboration with Robert Ochshorn. “…An original ‘great’ failure At the beginning of the 20th century, a fascinating project – promoted by a branch of so-called ‘abstract art’ (notably Kandinsky, Klee, Kupka) – was embodied in the desire to […]

Regina de Miguel

Regina de Miguel Work from Report (Informe). “These images propose a series of scenarios regarding symbolic constructions not purely illustrative but subject to an interpretation, in terms of its futuristic and theatrical nature allusive of a type of cinematographic and literary science fiction (La Jetée, THX 1138, Solaris, Alphaville…). Focused on an estrangement before the […]