Archives for posts tagged ‘crop’

Facundo Argañaraz

Facundo Argañaraz Work from Tonight Tonight at Highlight Gallery. “’The Thousand and One Nights is not something which has died. It is a book so vast that it is not necessary to have read it, for it is a part of our memory — and also, now, a part of tonight.” – Jorge Luis Borges. […]

Viktoria Binschtok

Viktoria Binschtok Work from her oeuvre. “In her image cycles Viktoria Binschtok traces the paradoxes of daily life – sometimes she observes the accumulation of the trade mark LVNY in our urban street setting, sometimes she reveals the traces of an ever increasing need based community at the job center or points to the separation […]

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin Work from People in Trouble. “People in trouble laughing pushed to the ground. Soldiers leaning, pointing, reaching. Woman sweeping. Balloons escaping. Coffin descending. Boys standing. Grieving. Chair balancing. Children smoking. Embracing. Creatures barking. Cars burning. Helicopters hovering. Faces. Human figures. Shapes. Birds. Structures left standing and falling… The Belfast Exposed […]