Archives for posts tagged ‘geography’

Yto Barrada

Yto Barrada Work from her oeuvre. “Barrada’s work – photographs, films, publications, installations and objects – reflects the peculiar situation of her hometown, Tangier, and the way notions of local and global are articulated there. At the northern tip of Morocco, Tangier is a city of several frontiers. One border is the Strait of Gibraltar: […]

Dan Holdsworth

Dan Holdsworth Work from Transmission: New Remote Earth Views “Within the polished and high precision images of ‘Transmission: New Remote Earth Views’, the boundaries of photography and place blend into one new perspective. Dan Holdsworth’s new series of images depict the great, glacial landscapes of the west coast of North America. He has worked with the […]

Richard Barnes

Richard Barnes Work from the series Mumur. Last week at a Thai restaurant, I had a sterling land on my plate of Pad Ga-Proa and eat some of my dinner. Thankfully I had finished, but other diners at the establishment did not share my fortune.  “European starlings have a way of appearing in unexpected places […]