Archives for the ‘black and white’ Category

Herbert Weber

Herbert Weber Work from his oeuvre. “The Toggenburg photo artist Herbert Weber is fascinated by basic issues of the medium he works with. There is definitely some romance involved in his inquiring the truth of images, in spite of the photography’s long-known loss of authenticity… The prominently placed wire may be interpreted as the umbilical […]

Travis Shaffer

Travis Shaffer Work from the ongoing series Keyword : Community. In order (top to bottom): Art Gallery:Manhattan, Church:Kentucky, Pub:United Kingdom, and Walmart:United States. “My work addresses the inter-connectivity of contemporary life through the discourse of visual culture. In my practice I re-contextualize visual and textual information gathered from sources both real and virtual. Using craft […]

Bill Sullivan

  Bill Sullivan Work from Works 1. Rephotographed works of LCD screens, etc. “…These works are included in the sections WORKS 1, WORKS 2, and WORKS 3. Many of these works employed various types of re-photography to create new kinds of optical texture . These works are made up of prints, photographs and works on […]

Matthew Gamber

Matthew Gamber Work from Any Color You Like. “1 I once taught a color photography class where I had one particular student who would not participate in any class discussions. However, I knew from other classes that he was an excellent student. Later I discovered he was colorblind. Talking about color had no meaning for […]

Beth Dow

Beth Dow Work from Ruins. “I’m drawn to subjects that puzzle me, especially incongruous elements in unlikely places. These are the first photographs in a new portfolio that looks at the ways we appropriate and approximate the romance of ruins into modern American environments, and what this says about our longing for historic precedents. While […]

Michael Lundgren

Michael Lundgren Work from Transfigurations. “As an artist, I have always been drawn to the field of landscape. It is the perfect subject with which to explore our history and our desire, two urges bound deeply together in the mythology and experience of the American West. As well, working in wild places always feels like […]

Beni Bischof

Beni Bischof Work from Bricked Castles. Translation from German with a word I don’t know, but I have translated regardless. If you can fix anything, feel free to let me know. “The longer I work on my artistic works, the more I sense a common thread, which shows myself. This involves the manipulation of things, […]

Dru Donovan

Dru Donovan Work from her oeuvre. “Young American photographer Dru Donovan’s photographs are ambiguous and sensitive and compelling. Looking at the images, its hard to know whether her work is staged, or more reportage based. She graduated from Yale last year, but information on her or her work is scant, which actually serves to make […]

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin

Adam Broomberg & Oliver Chanarin Work from Afterlife. “Afterlife is a re-reading of a controversial photograph taken in Iran on 6 August 1979. This remarkable image, taken just months after the revolution, records the execution of 11 blindfolded Kurdish prisoners by firing squad. The image, which captures the decisive moment the guns were fired, was […]

Hans-Christian Schink

Hans-Christian Schink Work from 1h. ““1 h” was a long term project which German photographer Hans-Christian Schink undertook in 2003. The result of the project – a photography series – consists of two parts each made up of 12 photographs taken in different places in the northern and southern hemispheres. The images depict the “movement” […]