Archives for posts tagged ‘icon’ Work from The following are just screen grabs, take the time and visit the site, it is well worth it. “Icons dominate the modern maps completely and with the comic style Google simplifications of symbols our ives have become very ordinary. There are currently some 166 Google standard symbols available in Google Earth […]

Jon Rafman

Jon Rafman Work from Kool-Aid Man in Second Life. Now giving guided tours! “…People make crush art about you all the time, don’t they?”  That’s the first question I asked Jon Rafman one month ago after he discovered I was embarking upon an ongoing multi-media performance inspired by his work. Our conversation provided my first […]

Tom Sachs

Tom Sachs Work from his oeuvre. Tom Sachs work operates somewhere between fetishization and critique of objects of contemporary American desire.  By reproducing these objects in readily available materials, using low-tech processes, Sachs is able to make the unattainable, attainable.  However, because these reproductions are “Tom Sachs’”, and are therefore expensive, fine art objects, available […]