Darren Sylvester Work from his oeuvre. “It may seem a little perverse to describe Darren Sylvester’s exhibition at sullivan+strumpf, his fifteenth solo show in ten years, by a definition of a Pantone category, but bear with me. In 2008, Pantone, global purveyor of colour trends, declared Pantone 18-3943 (’Blue Iris’) to be the colour of […]
Archives for the ‘commercialism’ Category
Jonas Criscoe
Friday, 14 August 2009
Jonas Criscoe Work from the West Collection. “My work depicts the new monuments of the contemporary American landscape – walled-in track homes, chain restaurants, and elevated highways. It explores how our ever-expanding consumer culture has shaped the environments in which we live. My paintings are shiny postcards that depict these monuments of contemporary America, reflecting […]
Tom Sachs
Monday, 8 June 2009
Tom Sachs Work from his oeuvre. Tom Sachs work operates somewhere between fetishization and critique of objects of contemporary American desire. By reproducing these objects in readily available materials, using low-tech processes, Sachs is able to make the unattainable, attainable. However, because these reproductions are “Tom Sachs’”, and are therefore expensive, fine art objects, available […]
Jonathan Dankenbring
Saturday, 6 June 2009
Jonathan Dankenbring Work from Prototyping Fulfillment. “Every object present in our daily life reflects ideological information about its maker and its audience. Yet, often we do not take time out of our busy day to ponder how our built environment is manipulated through visual and physical means. My most recent series of works are carefully […]
Aaron Hegert
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
Aaron Hegert Work from The Money Makers and Every Day. Hegert’s work is a fantastic example of observational photography well backed by a solid concept. I included one shot from Every Day because it reminds me so powerfully of a Cartier-Bresson in style, humor, and composition. “Public places around the world are inundated with advertising […]
Penelope Umbrico
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Penelope Umbrico Work from the series TVs, Office / Still Lives (as Photocopies), and Mirrors. Umbrico is a photographer/curator of sorts who sources home improvement catalogues/websites as fodder for cultural/conceptual commentary. Her website is full of great projects, that only afraction of are represented here. Some others that I didn’t have the space to publish […]
Tara Donovan
Monday, 2 March 2009
Tara Donovan Tara Donovan creates her massive sculptures through mass repetition to recontextualize the form and function of the materials. I saw her show at the CAC this week while I was in the US. I had seen her works frequently as images, but it is a pretty amazing experience to be confronted with 2 […]
Yevgeniy Fiks
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Yevgeniy Fiks Work from the piece Lenin For Your Library? I saw a show the Fiks was a part of at the Art Laboratory Berlin recently and there was a fantastic piece which I could not find on the internet. Opposite the wall of letters from various corporate libraries was the piece described below (by […]
David A. Parker
Monday, 23 February 2009
I saw David A. Parker‘s photographs in a show a couple of years back and have continued to be intrigued by his “Escape Strategies” series. I also like the “Circular Reasoning” series:
Packard Jennings
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Packard Jennings amuses me. He has collaborated with Steve Lambert and his work was also included in the Shopdropping exhibition from the previous post. Here’s some pages from a “Welcome to Geneva” pamphlet produced to put in random public locations in Geneva, Switzerland: Packard manufactured a Mussolini Action Figure, which he shopdropped at Wal-Mart, and then […]