Archives for posts tagged ‘land’

Robert Smithson

Robert Smithson Work from his oeuvre. “…Embodied in all of Smithson’s endeavors was his interest in entropy, mapping, paradox, language, landscape, popular culture, anthropology, and natural history. This is evident in works he created such as Heap of Language, King Kong Meets the Gem of Egypt, Enantiamorphic Chambers, A Nonsite – Pine Barren’s New Jersey, […]

Erin Shirreff

Erin Shirreff Work from her oeuvre. “We are dealing with replicas, but of what? For her first solo show ‘Landscapes, Heads, Drapery and Devils’ at Lisa Cooley Fine Art, Erin Shirreff presented an arrangement of cryptic objects, films and photographs that appeared to be mundane, but stubbornly managed to defy recognition. The title of the […]