Robert Smithson Work from his oeuvre. “…Embodied in all of Smithson’s endeavors was his interest in entropy, mapping, paradox, language, landscape, popular culture, anthropology, and natural history. This is evident in works he created such as Heap of Language, King Kong Meets the Gem of Egypt, Enantiamorphic Chambers, A Nonsite – Pine Barren’s New Jersey, […]
Archives for posts tagged ‘classic’
Marine Hugonnier
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Marine Huggonier Work from “Art for Modern Architecture” “In Hugonnier’s Art for Modern Architecture series, the text of each newspaper page is kept intact while Hugonnier’s own silkscreened color blocks replace the photographs. Hugonnier selects newspaper front pages from significant moments in history—from the fall of communism to the end of the Vietnam War or […]
Peter Alexander
Monday, 12 November 2012
Peter Aexander Work from his oeuvre. “…I look out from a Cycladic perch on the isle of Syros at a hillside sparsely populated by whitewashed rectilinear geometries, made more austere by the undulating topography. The same perch from which the quintessential maximalist, Martin Kippenberger, once gazed. But that’s another story…The Greeks are consummate minimalists, their […]
Sol LeWitt
Monday, 23 April 2012
Sol LeWitt Work from Wall Drawings. “In 1968, LeWitt began to conceive sets of guidelines or simple diagrams for his two-dimensional works drawn directly on the wall, executed first in graphite, then in crayon, later in colored pencil and finally in chromatically rich washes of India ink, bright acrylic paint, and other materials.[10] Between 1969 […]
Robert Cumming
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Robert Cumming Work from his oeuvre. “Robert Cumming’s work explores photography’s claim to truth telling. He has a background in sculpture and uses his skills to “construct” the subject matter of his photographs. His themes include interruptions in landscape and logic, the reappraisal of everyday objects, ironic reversals of the expected, illusionism and magic, and […]
Koen Hauser
Monday, 11 July 2011
Koen Hauser Work from Catharsis. “For six weeks the exhibition space of the Scheltema complexwas transformed into a filmstudio for a project that connects art, psychology, documentary, cinema and music. During this working period I interviewed people on situations or conditions that makes them feel abnormal and different from others, recording it on video. These conversations […]
Affiliati Peducci / Savini
Friday, 23 July 2010
Affiliati Peducci / Savini Work from their oeuvre. Their exhibition is on until the end of the month at Galleria Rubin in Milan. I find it appropriate to include the press release from their current exhibition, translated via google translate as it mirrors translations of classical sculptures in their works. Ironically, many of these busts […]
Jim Goldberg
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Jim Goldberg Work from Rich and Poor. “Rich and Poor confronts the myth of the American dream with the harsh economic reality of the American class system. Yet this documentary is more complex than that, for by including the protagonists’ voices in the form of text on his images Goldberg represents not just the polarity […]