Archives for posts tagged ‘post internet’

Safety Net

Safety Net @ Erratum Galerie. “‘Safety Net’ – a juxtaposed term hinting at feeling safe inside a net, waiting for those who hold the strings to play out their next moves – is the title of Erratum Galerie’s show. The term might apply to characters that make up this exhibition too; as they all come […]

Inflected Objects #1 Abstraction

  There is no such thing as a confined virtual domain. Computational processes can be traced everywhere and are deeply interwoven into the fabric of everyday routines. This results in a hybrid reality constituted by digital and physical infrastructures alike. As a result, artistic production that deals with questions related to digital culture has increasingly […]

Aoto Oouchi

Aoto Oouchi Work from his oeuvre “In the time of post internet art, an understanding in pure digital media consumption/ production/ redistribution and the philosophy of object-oriented ontology is what frames Aoto Oouchi‘s work field. ‘What you see is what you get’ is the title of his latest work and portrays a representation and recontextualisation of […]

Free Transform

Free Transform at Third Party Gallery. Featuring Fleur van Dodewaard, Nick DeMarco, Bea Fremderman, JoJo Luzhou Li, and Santiago Taccetti. “Free Transform examines the burgeoning cross section of contemporary photography and the internet- moving away from the web browser as the locus in which we view these works, and moving towards less refined definitions of […]

New Media Lecture Series – Martin Kohout

Martin Kohout 1984, Prague (Czech Republic). Based in Berlin and Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Represented by Exile, Berlin. The works below are from Watching Martin Kohout (2010-2011) with a really solid essay by Gene McHugh from Post Internet. “Watching Martin Kohout, a work by Martin Kohout recently exhibited on’s year-long “Serial Chillers in Paradise” […]

Artie Vierkant

Artie Vierkant Work from Image Objects. Vierkant has an exhibition at Club Midnight in Berlin that opened tonight. “Image Objects are a series of works which exist somewhere between physical sculptures and altered documentation images. Each piece begins its life as a digital file, of which countless variations exist. These are then rendered as UV […]

Timur Si Qin

Timur Si Qin Work from The Axe Effect. “The Axe effect is the internationally recognized name for the increased attention Axe-wearing males receive from eager, and attractive female pursuers. Regardless of where you live, you can get the Axe-Effect by going to a store near you and purchasing one of our fine products.” – Unilever […]