Archives for posts tagged ‘rainbow’

Manuel Fernández

Manuel Fernández Work from his oeuvre. “Manuel Fernández is a spanish artist based in Madrid. His artistic practice begins at the intersection of art, popular culture and Internet.” – Manuel Fernández

Edwin Deen

Edwin Deen Work from his oeuvre “Edwin Deen is an artist of comic relief in daily life. Displaying remarkable collections of combined natural and cultural objects which at first sight seem quite trivial, however with a closer look uncover a web of cross associations in shape, color, function and meaning. Using existing objects as mind […]

Andrey Bogush

Andrey Bogush Work from the Rainbow Project. “My current interests in photography are linked with perception of objects and Gestalt theory. These are very formalistic studies of still life and pseudo still life through the medium of photography with moments of interference from editing software. In the Rainbow project, I digitally overlaid standard rainbow gradients […]

Barry Stone

Barry Stone Work from I Met a Unicorn. “To say that unicorns have an existence in heraldry, or in literature, or in imagination, is a most pitiful and paltry evasion. What exists in heraldry is not an animal, made of flesh and blood, moving and breathing of its own initiative. What exists is a picture, […]