Archives for posts tagged ‘retro’

Leon Chew

Leon Chew Vasarely Foundation. Work from “Architecture was always defined in relation to it’s nature. Either nature is a model for architecture or it’s opposite. Whether considered different or similar, the assumption that they are two distinct entities is questionable, however. First, because the terms ‘architecture’ and ‘nature’ are intellectual constructs through which we comprehend […]

David McCallum

David McCallum Work from Neighbourhoodie. McCallum also has some rather interesting pieces that deal with the intersections between culture, technology and sound.  “The Neighbourhoodie is a hooded sweatshirt that augments the experience of game playing through an electronic infrastructure mounted in the garment. Neighbourhoodie explores the hoodie as a platform; what if the garment familiar […]

Hank Schmidt in der Beek

Hank Schmidt in der Beek Work from In den Zillertaler Alpen. “Hank Schmidt in der Beek (born 1978, lives in Berlin) draws on an archive of art history, documentary films, exhibition visits and lectures to create new levels of meaning. His automated painting technique is a process-driven method that brings paintings seen in documentaries about […]