David McCallum Work from Neighbourhoodie. McCallum also has some rather interesting pieces that deal with the intersections between culture, technology and sound. “The Neighbourhoodie is a hooded sweatshirt that augments the experience of game playing through an electronic infrastructure mounted in the garment. Neighbourhoodie explores the hoodie as a platform; what if the garment familiar […]
Archives for the ‘hilarious’ Category
John Michael Boling
Saturday, 8 May 2010
John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]
Hank Schmidt in der Beek
Friday, 5 March 2010
Hank Schmidt in der Beek Work from In den Zillertaler Alpen. “Hank Schmidt in der Beek (born 1978, lives in Berlin) draws on an archive of art history, documentary films, exhibition visits and lectures to create new levels of meaning. His automated painting technique is a process-driven method that brings paintings seen in documentaries about […]
Thomas Mailaender
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Thomas Mailaender Work from Extreme Tourism and Sponsoring. “Documentation marks the starting point for his work. Using a slightly scientific way of working, he registers insignificant, incidentatlly grotesque moments that possess an abruptand unexepted monumentatlity. For the past years his work mainly focused on playing with the concept of typology. A recently Dead famous french […]
Jeremy Bailey
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Jeremy Bailey Work from his awesome YouTube Channel. Bailey’s work is well worth your time to check out, his website has quite a collection. “Marc Garrett: Thank you for taking part in the dialogue so far, it has been both enjoyable and illuminating.Much of your work involves a GUI (Graphic User Interface). User interfaces as […]