Archives for posts tagged ‘stock’

Holger Kilumets

Holger Kilumets Work from Maps and Territories. “Maps & Territories is an elaborate exploration of the meaning of representation through a series of slightly disparate images, designed to relate to each other through the notion of free association. Borrowing elements from the history of art, photographic practice and advertising imagery, the series attempts to reveal […]

Katja Novitskova

Katja Novitskova Work from Spirit, Curiosity, Opportunity. “The objects found in this fossilised collection look like cubes, polygons, slots, arrows, round holes, bones, feathers and even artistic impressions. It may have resulted from a variation of the same basic process which forms fossils on Earth, where mud replaces organic material over time. There is a […]

Joachim Schmid

Joachim Schmid Work from Meetings on Holiday. “Schmid’s use of extended series reflects his concern with photography as an encompassing, culturally dispersed and ubiquitous social and aesthetic discourse that runs throughout the public and private spheres of modern life. Yet the fundamental richness of Schmid’s photographic raw material – along with the sardonic wit he […]