Archives for the ‘family’ Category

Paula Muhr

Paula Muhr Work from Tata. “Through the work “Tata” I investigate various modes of representation and role models which we internalise in such an extent that they inform our subjectivity. I turn my father (Serbian: tata) into a kind of amateur fashion model asking him to pose for me in his favourite clothes. He dresses […]

Jowhara AlSaud

Jowhara AlSaud Work from Out of Line. “The latest body of work began as a comment on censorship in Saudi Arabia and it’s effects on visual communication. There are regions in Saudi Arabia where people still draw a line across throats in photographs (figuratively cutting the head off.) There are blurred out faces on billboard […]

Odette England

Odette England Work from Attentional Landscapes. “The Ishihara Colour Test is the most common clinical test for colour blindness in humans. But, like mirages and memories, the circles of randomised dots are just optical phenomena. In this series, Odette England undertakes quasi-scientific experiments in manipulating the intended meaning and function of family photographs. Selectively and […]