Archives for the ‘snapshot’ Category

Stefan Ruiz

  Stefan Ruiz Work from People. “People is a book about Stefan Ruiz’s view of the world and the fragility of the human condition. The kaleidoscope of portraits?well known celebrities and Stefan’s own family members are shot with the same humanistic voice?takes us into a journey around the world that reveals our complexity, misery and […]

Nathaniel Smyth

Nathaniel Smyth Work from Maps and Spaces. “Using the snapshot as a metaphor for visual perception, I experiment with strategies of arranging those perceptions to investigate the various ways our minds understand the space we inhabit. Using images from both personal and mass culture as a form of cumulative experience, I layer the images to […]

Tacita Dean

Tacita Dean Work from Floh. There is a fantastic lecture on this work @ Coventry University by Joanna Zylinska. “I do not want to give these images explanations : descriptions by the finder about how and where they were found, or guesses as to what stories they might or might not tell. I want them […]

Paula Muhr

Paula Muhr Work from Tata. “Through the work “Tata” I investigate various modes of representation and role models which we internalise in such an extent that they inform our subjectivity. I turn my father (Serbian: tata) into a kind of amateur fashion model asking him to pose for me in his favourite clothes. He dresses […]