Archives for the ‘obscured’ Category

Viktoria Binschtok

Viktoria Binschtok Work from Suspicious Minds. “Viktoria Binschtok finds her motives in public space applying equally her own as well as found photographic material. Following her intuition she seeks and finds symmetries of collective behavior patterns of everyday life, whose existence otherwise seems to go unnoticed. One crucial aspect of her artistic work is to […]

Jill Sylvia

Jill Sylvia Work from Balance Sheets and Reconstructions. “Ledger sheets are traditionally used to record the financial transactions of a business or an individual. These papers host the data necessary for accounting information to be compiled, and for analysis in determining profit and loss. They are the material of economics. In an attempt to understand […]

Miriam Steinhauser

Miriam Steinhauser Work from On the Prowl. “Throughout history, art has served society’s rich and powerful individuals and institutions, helping to raise their public profile as has been the case with the church, the royalty and the bourgeoisie upper class. In modern times, politicians and CEOs are known to be photographed in front of a […]

Sofia Hultén

Sofia Hultén Work from Points in a Room Condensing. “Sofia Hultén tries in her work to repair things that are broken, or alternately, to make them disappear. Rarely are these two objectives achieved independently, so that the focus of her videos and photographs becomes instead the circular process of making and unmaking of a series […]

Beni Bischof

Beni Bischof Work from Bricked Castles. Translation from German with a word I don’t know, but I have translated regardless. If you can fix anything, feel free to let me know. “The longer I work on my artistic works, the more I sense a common thread, which shows myself. This involves the manipulation of things, […]

Fred Camper

Fred Camper Work from Figments. “Each “Figments” group is created from a single image, transformed into 47 lower resolution images or “elements,” which are made by using software to reduce it in size, and then re-enlarge it, by varying processes. These 47 images plus the original constitute the 48 “elements” from which each “Figments” group […]

Martina Shenal

Martina Shenal Work from Void Diaries. “The void diaries series was produced over the course of one year by photographing the space just beyond my second floor bedroom window. Made with a simple amateur point and shoot camera, the screen becomes a scrim and the point of focus fluctuates between the screen and the landscape. […]

Sascha Weidner

Sascha Weidner Work from Beauty Remains. “Sascha Weidner looks for the Beautiful amongst the Everyday. His large-and small-format, spontaneous or staged, colour photographs present landscapes, still lives and people. At first glance, these motifs may appear banal: thickets, shrubs, flowerbeds, lakes, gravel, house walls, empty spaces, curtains, cloths, tarpaulins, and rubbish. People are shown in […]

Justin James King

Justin James King Work from And Still We Gather With Infinite Momentum. “Justin James King radically intervenes in the common spectacle of the tourist vista by removing the view itself. A lone figure stands on a promontory gazing out into the utter void. Commenting on the reflexive act of looking (and by extension, on the […]

Devon Oder

Devon Oder Work from Breaking Light. “Oder’s recent work explores both the technical processes and the phenomenological experience of the viewer in relation to the medium of photography. Through imagery fluctuating between realism and abstraction, each photograph distorts the landscape, presenting a moment in time ungraspable. Without attempt to clarify but striving to further mystify, […]