Archives for the ‘european aesthetic’ Category

Sascha Weidner

Sascha Weidner Work from Beauty Remains. “Sascha Weidner looks for the Beautiful amongst the Everyday. His large-and small-format, spontaneous or staged, colour photographs present landscapes, still lives and people. At first glance, these motifs may appear banal: thickets, shrubs, flowerbeds, lakes, gravel, house walls, empty spaces, curtains, cloths, tarpaulins, and rubbish. People are shown in […]

Gustav Gustafsson

Gustav Gustafsson Work from 24 Photographs (Mostly). “Evasive and mysterious, Gustav Gustafsson, is a talented young Swede who does not abide by scholastic philosophy. Maybe this is the key to understanding his work, a photographic investigation which is driven by its significance rather than technique, which ironically bends a certain Scandinavian tradition. His project on […]