Archives for the Month of March, 2009

Nina Katchadourian

Nina Katchadourian Work from the series Sorted Books. She has dozens of amazing projects. Video, Sculpture, Public Projects, Photography, and much more. Spend an hour on her website. “The Sorted Books project began in 1993 years ago and is ongoing. The project has taken place in many different places over the years, ranging form private […]

Michael Love

Michael Love Work from the projects, Self Portrait with Rifle, and the Library Appropriation Project. I bumped into his website today, and he may just be one of my new favorite artists. Good job Canada. Statement from Library Appropriation Project below, statement from Self Portrait with Rifle attached to image above (done by me for […]

Liz Deschenes

Liz Deschenes Work from Registration. I am hugely into the process/photographically referential work by Deschenes, and the critical approach to the medium. Below is a section of the press release from Miguel Abreu Gallery. “If the photographic image can be said to have replaced the immediate experience of nature as the common ground of human […]

Lori Nix

Lori Nix Work from Accidentally Kansas and The City. I was making scale model disasters last year before I saw this work. I am very glad I quit before I saw her models, because they put mine to shame. “The line between truth and illusion in photography is one that has been frequently crossed by […]

Kerry Skarbakka

Kerry Skarbakka Work from the series Fluid, The Struggle to Right Oneself, and Life Goes On. Detailed statements are on the website.

Li Wei

Li Wei Work from the series Li Wei falls to… Wei also has some interesting process videos here. Check out this one in particular. All of his work is worth checking out. The newer work reminds me of Kerry Skarbakka. I will post his work tomorow.

Ian Whitmore

Ian Whitmore Work from the series Nowhere. Great work that addresses American use of landscaping (both indoor and outdoor).

Ward Roberts

Ward Roberts Work from the series [ ] and Landscapes about us. I would write more, but I have to get on a plane.

Jamie Lund

Jamie Lund Works from the series Memory and My Loss in Your Gain. I have no idea how I came across this work, but I feel that it addresses the snapshot aesthetic that is so painfully prevalent in a conceptually divergent way. Both sets of work shown here involve family snapshots / memories gilded or […]

Jeffrey A. Wolin

Jefferey A. Wolin Work from the series From All Sides: American and Vietnamese War Veterans. “I initially began photographing and conducting videotape interviews of Vietnam War veterans in 1992 during my year as a Guggenheim Fellow. I had to set the project aside to complete a book and exhibition of portraits of Holocaust survivors which […]