Archives for the ‘digital’ Category

Artie Vierkant

Artie Vierkant Work from his oeuvre. Shortest statement ever: “His work concerns the degree to which digital media constitute fully tangible objects, actors which are both pliable and physical, structures to be broken into pieces and reconceived.” – Artie Vierkant


AIDS-3D (Daniel Keller and Nik Kosmas) Work from their oeuvre. The top image is a collaboration with Anne De Vries and Helga Wretman. “The artist statements written by Berlin-based American artists AIDS-3D read as simultaneously post-apocalyptic and utopian. They are primarily concerned with the unfulfilled promises of emergent technologies and the ways in which our […]

Chajana denHarder

Chajana denHarder Work from Body Works. “Imagine you are on a city street, then you are the city street. You are the thoughts of the street, you are not you. Then suddenly a man with a ladder knocks into your back. You are shocked and ask yourself why and what’s going on. Then the shock […]

Ryan Barone

Ryan Barone Work from his oeuvre. “I’LL TUMBLE 4 YOU (STATEMENT FOR JORDAN TATE) I want to surf the internet. I want Lolcats and Lyotard. Parker Ito was tagged in an album. I want to feel vulnerable. I want to make my failures public. Katy Ann and Kathy Otto are now friends. I want to […]

Shane Lavalette

Shane Lavalette Work from June 6, 2003. Lavalette is the founding editor of the fantastic Lay Flat , which is currently seeking funding to produce Lay Flat 02: Meta. “A series of photographs made on June 6, 2003 with an early 3.34 megapixel digital camera. Years later the images have resurfaced as a response to […]

Sebastian Lemm

Sebastian Lemm Work from Lapse. “As a photo-based artist, I see myself as the link between two realities—the one outside of the camera and the one that begins once the photograph has been taken. Rather than documenting or ‘capturing the moment,’ I want to show what is not immediately visible. My work is informed by […]

Georg Küttinger

Georg Küttinger Work from landscapes:remixed. “The presented „landscapes:remixed“ are reflecting landscape photography and the relation between landscapes and the perception of their spaces. The pictures assembled from single photos construct and design densified spaces – as possibilities of the landscapes they are based on, not as their depiction. The goal of the work is creating […]

Cynthia Greig

Cynthia Greig Work from Representations. “My series “Representations” combines photography and drawing to explore the concept of photographic truth and its correspondence to perceived reality. No digital manipulation is involved. Focusing on the representation of ordinary things, I draw directly onto 3-dimensional objects (which I have painted over in white paint) to create visual hybrids […]

Li Wei

Li Wei Work from the series Li Wei falls to… Wei also has some interesting process videos here. Check out this one in particular. All of his work is worth checking out. The newer work reminds me of Kerry Skarbakka. I will post his work tomorow.

Georg Parthen

Georg Parthen Work from the series Landschaften (landscapes) “Landschaften is an ongoing work about the relationship of reality and its image. Digitally altered or constructed photographs of implausible landscapes.For the project I take photos and detailled photographic studies from which I later create images that range from slightly altered to complete digitally composed photographic images. […]