Pierre Huyghe

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Pierre Huyghe

Work from his recent exhibition at Museum Ludwig.

“In The Host and the Cloud, a live ex­per­i­ment was car­ried out over the course of one year in an aban­doned ethno­graph­ic Mu­se­um in Paris. A group of peo­ple were ex­posed to live si­t­u­a­tions that ap­peared ac­ci­den­tal­ly in the en­tire build­ing. The Host and the Cloud is a ri­t­u­al of se­pa­ra­tion in which the in­flu­ences of a cul­ture were ex­or­cized, brought to contin­gen­cy, by a self-gen­er­at­ing op­er­a­tion. Some wit­ness­es in­vit­ed to en­ter the build­ing were left alone within the un­fold­ing ex­per­i­ment. In par­al­lel the event was filmed.

Dur­ing dOC­U­MEN­TA(13), Pierre Huyghe cre­at­ed Un­tilled, a com­post site within a baroque gar­den, a non hi­erarchi­cal as­so­ci­a­tion that in­clud­ed a sculp­ture of a re­clin­ing nude with a head ob­s­cured by a swarm­ing bee­hive, aphro­disi­ac and psy­chotrop­ic plants, a dog with a pink leg, an up­root­ed oak tree from Joseph Beuys’ 7,000 Oaks among other el­e­ments. This grow­ing sys­tem re­mained in­d­if­fer­ent to the pres­ence of the view­ers that en­coun­tered the site.

Both the dog, Hu­man, and the sculptue with the bee­hive-head are part of the ex­hi­bi­tion in Cologne.

For the first venue of this ret­ro­spec­tive—the Cen­tre Ge­orges Pompi­dou—the ex­hi­bi­tion root­ed it­self within the re­mains of the pre­vi­ous show, ded­i­cat­ed to Mike Kel­ley. Pierre Huyghe used the ex­ist­ing walls, dis­placed and cut them in or­der to place his works. For the se­cond pre­sen­ta­tion or “oc­currence” at the Lud­wig Mu­se­um, the works at­tached to their walls have been cut out of their pre­vi­ous en­vi­ron­ment and dis­placed to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig, en­ter­ing in con­tra­dic­tion with a dif­fer­ent ex­hi­bi­tion con­text and con­di­tion. For the artist, the ex­hi­bi­tion unites a dy­nam­ic sys­tem of works vary­ing in in­ten­si­ty, from which should emerge the pos­si­bil­i­ty of an event…” – Museum Ludwig

via Contemporary Art Daily.

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