Archives for posts tagged ‘ethnographic’

Stephanie Syjuco

Stephanie Syjuco Work from Cargo Cult. “This photographic series revisits historical ethnographic studio portraiture via fictional display: using mass-manufactured goods purchased from American shopping malls and restyled to highlight popular fantasies associated with “ethnic” patterning and costume. Purchased on credit cards and returned for full refund after the photo shoots, the cheap garments hail from […]

Pierre Huyghe

Pierre Huyghe Work from his recent exhibition at Museum Ludwig. “In The Host and the Cloud, a live ex­per­i­ment was car­ried out over the course of one year in an aban­doned ethno­graph­ic Mu­se­um in Paris. A group of peo­ple were ex­posed to live si­t­u­a­tions that ap­peared ac­ci­den­tal­ly in the en­tire build­ing. The Host and the Cloud […]

Jana Gunstheimer

Jana Gunstheimer Work from Status L Phenomenon. “Darkness is a constant refrain in Jana Gunstheimer’s consistently black-and-white drawings and aquarelles. It almost seems as if daylight can never dawn on the derelict spaces and desolate zones, reverted to nature, that are her preferred territory. Her reports tell of a shadow reality characterized by flowing transitions […]