Marissa Textor

Marissa Textor

Work from her oeuvre.

Can you talk a little bit about your content, you seem drawn toward epic nature, Why do you draw what you do and how do you decide what you want to draw next?

It’s exciting to me. In an over-stimulated world this is the stuff the holds my attention and surprises me. I’m not sure if it is because I grew up in Southern California and I’m not used to dramatic weather but there is something very shocking but at the same time very beautiful about events like a thunderstorm. My mom and I where in Santa Fe one time when a huge thunderstorm broke out, we were absolutely captivated and watched it for hours like it was TV. As long as it has that ability, I’ll be drawn to it. I am also interested in subject matter that is not tied to a specific time period and that can be relevant outside of the context of my personal experience. These naturally occurring events are much bigger than you and I and are something we have no control over. I think that is a nice reminder of our time and place here and understanding why things happen the way they do in the natural world can answer a lot of life’s big questions. When I’m deciding what to draw for the larger pieces it is usually based on a current fascination that I’ve spent a lot of time researching. I pull a lot of photos and create folders for each subject and then it becomes a matter of piecing different elements together to create the image.” – interview via Fecal Face

via field notes.

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