Archives for posts tagged ‘epic’

Tiona Nekkia McClodden

Tiona Nekkia McClodden Work from Be Alarmed: The Black Americana Epic, Movement III “Be Alarmed: The Black Americana Epic, Movement III – The Triple Deities is the third movement in the Be Alarmed series. Movement III – The Triple Deities is a multimedia installation, and performance that merges art song, exhibition, film, and sculpture to […]

Kjell Varvin

Kjell Varvin Work from his oeuvre. “In Kjell Varvin’s installations, drawings and sculptures, geometry and anarchy combine to take on an astonishing life of their own: the compositions grow out of the wall, or into it, it’s hard to tell. The components, some two-dimensional drawings and some built in three dimensions, consist mostly of clear, […]

Trevor Paglen

Trevor Paglen Work from The Last Pictures. As of yesterday, Paglen’s project with Creative Time is in Geostationary Orbit. “In 1963 NASA launched the first communications satellite “Syncom 2” into a geosynchronous orbit over the Atlantic Ocean. Since then, humans have slowly and methodically added to this space-based communications infrastructure. Currently, more than 800 spacecraft in […]

Kristin Lucas

Kristin Lucas Work from The Sole Ripper. “The Sole Ripper is a digital book containing a 1:132 scale architectural view of a fictional pedestrian roller coster modeled for an empty lot in Manhattan discovered by Kristin Lucas on Google Maps. The architectural plan arrives fragmented and out of order, given its shape through a process […]

Sol LeWitt

Sol LeWitt Work from Wall Drawings. “In 1968, LeWitt began to conceive sets of guidelines or simple diagrams for his two-dimensional works drawn directly on the wall, executed first in graphite, then in crayon, later in colored pencil and finally in chromatically rich washes of India ink, bright acrylic paint, and other materials.[10] Between 1969 […]

Félix Luque Sánchez

Félix Luque Sánchez Work from The Discovery. “Chapter I: The Discovery is an impenetrable, geometric object and a series of videos restaging the moment of its discovery, as if it were a scene from a sci-fi movie, where the hero is suddenly confronted with an alien, slightly chilling figure. The videos are broadcast in the […]

Marissa Textor

Marissa Textor Work from her oeuvre. “Can you talk a little bit about your content, you seem drawn toward epic nature, Why do you draw what you do and how do you decide what you want to draw next? It’s exciting to me. In an over-stimulated world this is the stuff the holds my attention […]