Hellicar and Lewis

Hellicar and Lewis

Work from Mirror Mirror.

“We were invited by the Victoria and Albert Museum’s Learning & Interpretation department to create an installation to engage people of all ages over their Baroque weekend, in support of the recent Baroque exhibition. Using the departments existing range of iMacs, we made an installation that would create a spontaneous mask from various Baroque elements from the exhibition. Users were able to take grabs of their creations, and share them with other visitors. Created using openFrameworks, the software was Open Sourced (Mac OS X 10.5 or above, iSight camera or other required) after the event, allowing for people all over the world to create their own masks. Indeed, the installation is the first piece of open software to be released by the V&A, in conjunction with Hellicar & Lewis. Source code listing available here.” – Hellicar and Lewis

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