Archives for posts tagged ‘rhizome’

Laurel Schwulst

Laurel Schwulst Work from Proposals for Future Parks. “Schwulst’s practice concentrates on the concepts of participation, technology and nature, both creating and destroying links between them, whilst also playing with visual and digital themes. Each work exhibited in Proposals for Future Parks is a different scenario, inviting the visitor to experience nature as intended in a […]

Mark Essen

Mark Essen Work from all-games. “Game designer and artist Mark Essen started producing games for Adult Swim, and boy, are they cool. Take Pipedreamz, which features a hungry ghost who must secretly binge on meat in order to advance to the next level, which involves surfing for condiments like ketchup and relish. Or the comically masculine Turbo Turbo Turbo, […]

Chris Beckman

Chris Beckman Work from oops. “Somewhere between a home-video mixtape and a postmodern travelogue, “oops”—a ten-minute art video composed entirely of appropriated YouTube videos, seamlessly stitched together via a motif of camera drops—serves both as transportative adventure and metaphorical elucidation of YouTube itself (i.e. endless related videos), exemplifying the Internet’s infinite repository of “throwaway” social […]

Evan Roth

Evan Roth (collaborative) Work from White Glove Tracking. “There are 10,060 frames of video in Michael Jackson’s 5 min 34 sec nationally televised landmark performance of Billy Jean. The White Glove Tracking project (W.G.T.) is an effort to isolate just the white glove from this moment in pop-culture history. Rather then write unnecessarily complex code […]

Hector Llanquín

Hector Llanquín Work from Sunset. “This is a series of digital photographs of sunsets altered by a controlled download error. These files where bitmap transferred via personal messaging software (adium) from one place to another. After the file was completely downloaded the transfer is aborted. The final result is that the bitmap repeats the last […]

Michael Bell-Smith

[qt: 600 360] Michael Bell-Smith Work from his oeuvre. Also, “Michael Bell-Smith’s digital video, installations and prints evocatively embody our cultural and technological moment. Investigating the circulation and proliferation of images and sound, he charts a history of the viral growth of digital content, from the earliest computer games to the latest online applications. […]

Travess Smalley

Travess Smalley Work from his oeuvre. “…In terms of how evolving software or technology affects my work, I’m constantly trying to learn programs (currently Blender, Google Sketchup, Brushes, Maya, PHP) but at the same time, learning new programs comes from a strong desire to extend and diversify my daily computer practice. I spend time in […]

DIS Magazine

DIS Magazine Work from DIS Spring Trends and DIS Summer Trends. The art and design behind DIS Magazine is unlike any other fashion publication to date. Its contributors eschew the standard conventions of print publication to create an ever evolving series of related threads, organized around categories such as distaste, dystopia, discover, and dysmorphia. DIS […]

Robert Wodzinski

Robert Wodzinksi Work from Go to his website, you won’t regret it. “ is a web project started in summer 2006. in the beginning most content was generated through the corruption of jpeg files using a text editor. fragments and, occasionally, full bodies of texts were inserted into the jpeg’s data. eventually this method […]

Micah Schippa

Micah Schippa Work from his Tools@Hand. Schippa’s statement is among the shortest I have seen (I am interested in translation between analog & digital, hand and machine.). Following an ongoing trend of techno-kitsch revival in new media, Schippa presents us with something that is familiar but at the same time inaccessible and foreign. His works […]