Archives for posts tagged ‘analogue’

Josh Sender

Josh Sender Work from “Oy! On Time!” “The digital objects and artworks made for Oy! On Time! were made as a pieces of a proposal for a solo show I wanted to have. Oy! On Time! was held in two parts: on the browser— where one can look privately, the weight of the work heavier, […]

Rick Silva

Rick Silva Work from En Plein Air @ Transfer Gallery. The exhibition closes June 8th. “RICK SILVA’S En Plein Air is an ongoing work — a statement that holds in multiple respects. At face value, this work is a continual series of sketches when assembled and compiled together make for a substantial work. But this […]

Tsunehisa Kimura

Tsunehisa Kimura Work from Visual Scandals. “The artist—who passed away in 2008—was well-known for his startlingly realistic collages of urban scenes, often animated with a kind of end-of-the-world, scifi-inflected festivity. Impact craters in the centers of wrecked cities share chaotic page space with Dalí-esque visions of giant human breasts in the sky. Waterfalls scour sublime […]

Richard Mosse

Richard Mosse Work from Quick. “…His work from Eastern Congo, a part of the world largely overlooked by mainstream media, is no exception. Mosse used Aerochrome, an obsolete technology, to create an alternative image of the complex social and political dynamics of the country. The film, designed in connection with the United States military during […]