Archives for the ‘text’ Category

Cody Trepte

Cody Trepte Work from On Exactitude in Science. “Every period from Jorge Louis Borges’ “On Exactitude in Science” enlarged and then drawn from the third edition of Collected Fictions. “… In that Empire, the Art of Cartography attained such Perfection that the map of a single Province occupied the entirety of a City, and the […]

Elodie Pong

Elodie Pong Work from her oeuvre. “Pong’s works explore the complexity of human relationships, the function and validity of cultural codes and references, and other social phenomena in contemporary society – specifically her own generation. “We are knights on the trajectories of a post-everything era,” she says. Her recent body of work can be seen […]

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman Work from Geolocation: Tributes to the Data Stream. “Each morning we follow strangers through their Twitter updates, becoming intimately involved in their banal daily errands. We imagine ourselves as virtual flâneurs, exploring cities 140 characters at a time through the lives of others. Sometimes we follow these strangers for a […]

Tara Kelton

Tara Kelton Work from Hypnotic Consumption, Weather Shifts, and Human Filter. Hypnotic Consumption is a recontextualization of animated GIFs. Link here. Weather Shifts – “Applies current temperature and wind conditions to Google satellite images at any zip code input by user. The wind speed determines how far the images are ‘blown’, and the temperature determines […]

Niklas Persson

Niklas Persson Work from A Few Specific Actions (Free). “A series of installations explores the dramaturgy of meaning and the modes in which information serves as a way of fixing and containing the world. Leaving everyday objects, carefully composed according to a complex set of binaries and word pairs, leaving us with cryptic messages that […]

Jim Goldberg

Jim Goldberg Work from Rich and Poor. “Rich and Poor confronts the myth of the American dream with the harsh economic reality of the American class system. Yet this documentary is more complex than that, for by including the protagonists’ voices in the form of text on his images Goldberg represents not just the polarity […]

Rachel Perry Welty

Rachel Perry Welty Work from Spam Messages. “Spam is a daily annoyance, but in these words that came to my inbox, I found something accidentally poetic. I was struck by the sheer possibility suggested by these messages. Taken out of the context for which they were intended, and re-inserted into another kind of economy (that […]

Glenn Ligon

Glenn Ligon Work from his oeuvre. Ligon has an opening at the Illingworth Kerr Gallery tonight. “It’s late on the morning of the US presidential election, and Glenn Ligon is talking about Jasper Johns. “His notion that you take an object – or in my case a text – and do something to it and […]

Lance Wakeling

Lance Wakeling Work from Sic, Notes from a keylogger and Parking at the Pentagon. “As we type and edit our attention jumps from paragraph to paragraph and from program to program, leaving a trail of disconnected phrases and commands. Much of what we type is deleted before the final product is saved, but the data […]

Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer Work from her oeuvre. “For nearly three decades Jenny Holzer has used combinations of language and material to expose the plight of the individual in an unforgiving, often irrational world. She is best known for her installations of L.E.D. panels that dispense her dark cryptic writings in scrolling ribbons of light. Now, in […]