Archives for posts tagged ‘found footage’

William Betts

William Betts Work from his oeuvre. “The works of William Betts operate less like paintings and more like moments captured in time. Featured in editions #60, #72, and #84 of New American Paintings, Betts uses video stills and technological applications to inform his compositions, where some works are both a reproduction and an original, stretching […]

Jana Papenbroock

Jana Papenbrook Work from My Mystical Self. “My Mystical Self is a found footage video installation consisting of digital self-portraits. The omnipresence of self-monitoring, social performance and staged soliloquy illustrates the internalized public prospect, which is represented by the camera’s eye. In a confessional manner, the private body is inspected, measured, commented on and exhibited […]

Kelly Mark

Kelly Mark Work from Horridor, The Kiss, and REM. ______________________________ Review of Horridor can be found here. A new work created for Scotia Band Nuit Blanche 2008, Horroridor is a 6-channel dvd installation utilizing found footage from various genres including horror-thriller-sci/fi-action-drama-comedy. The installation examines Hollywood’s construction of the reaction to the unknown. Horroridor strips away […]