Archives for the ‘video’ Category

Teo Ormond-Skeaping

Teo Ormond-Skeaping Work from In the Fulcrum of Our Dreams. “In Ormond-Skeaping’s multi-layered canvas the more bewildering aspects of dreamscape are invoked: sensations of symbolic import paired with faces that may have no relevance in daily life but in dream logic summon up powerful archetypal associations, creating wave of skin-prickling wave of weird emotional resonance. […]

Michael Naimark

Michael Naimark Work from Displacements. “Displacements is an immersive film installation. An archetypal Americana living room was installed in an exhibition space. Then two performers were filmed in the space using a 16mm motion picture camera on a slowly rotating turntable in the room’s center. After filming, the camera was replaced with a film loop […]

Jimmy Joe Roche

Jimmy Joe Roche Work from his oeuvre. While not an essay on Roche, it is very fitting, and he is linked later in the article (not included). “Imagine a technological stew. In this big bubbling cauldron are piles of images, jpegs and mpegs of Super Mario Bros , Thundercats and Care Bears, strangely scratched 80s […]

Elodie Pong

Elodie Pong Work from her oeuvre. “Pong’s works explore the complexity of human relationships, the function and validity of cultural codes and references, and other social phenomena in contemporary society – specifically her own generation. “We are knights on the trajectories of a post-everything era,” she says. Her recent body of work can be seen […]

Peter Fischli and David Weiss

Peter Fischli and David Weiss Work from Der Lauf der Dinge. “An unambiguously CORRECT result of experiments exists; this is obtained when it works, when this construction collapses. Then again, there is a BEAUTIFUL which ranks above the CORRECT; this is obtained when it’s a close shave or the construction collapses the way we want […]

Rick Silva

Rick Silva Work from his oeuvre. Silva’s trilogy (as presented here) is a sampling of his work that I feel addresses similar aesthetic and conceptual concerns while maintaining a dynamic and evolving approach in the discussion of place, technology, and perception placed within the context of a developing method of inquiry. The phrenetic pace of […]

Jaap Drupsteen

Jaap Drupsteen Work from Hyster Pulsatu. “Hyster Pulsatu is a theatrical dance performance that could never take place in a theatre. Thanks to the mixing table, the artist becomes a divine choreographer who can let dancers play in space, in rivalry with graphical image elements; who manipulates the space itself, moulding it to every wish […]

Zach Shipko

Zach Shipko Work from his oeuvre. Shipko’s work is more of an examination of internet culture and kitsch than anything else. In the same way that it is accessible to the casual viewer, it also relies on a thorough understanding (or at least an informed inundation) of internet culture and various memes. I am wondering […]

Justin Shull

Justin Shull Work from Terrestrial Shrub Rover. ““From the time of our birth, humans have felt a primordial urge to explore — to blaze new trails, map new lands, and answer profound questions about ourselves and our universe.” – NASA In the spirit of NASA and its forthcoming 2020 lunar expeditions in preparation for colonizing […]

John Michael Boling

John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]