Archives for posts tagged ‘virtual’

Mark Dorf

Mark Dorf Work from AXIOM & SIMULATION “AXIOM & SIMULATION examines the ways in which humans quantify and explore our surroundings by comparing artistic, scientific, and digital realism. As a developed global culture, we are constantly transforming physical space and objects into abstract non-physical thought to gain a greater understanding of composition and the inner workings of […]

Hugo Scibetta

Hugo Scibetta Work from his oeuvre. “I build my work between the object’s plasticity and the dematerialization of information.This results in installations where the object (s) used in their elaboration stays visible and is part of the final work. The virtual and how it can exist in a physical space is at the center of […]

Sara Ludy

Sara Ludy Work from Rooms @ Klaus Gallery. “The latest in her series of “Space Portraits,” Sara Ludy’s new video “Rooms” shows the artist’s spatial explorations of models from Google’s SketchUp 3D Warehouse. An ominous synthetic soundtrack accompanies Ludy’s ethereal manipulations of architectural space. Her interest in the creative constraints of “defaults” of both architecture […]

VLF (Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux)

VLF (Thomas Cristiani & Antoine Roux) Work from their oeuvre. “We work on variations of reality. Without contesting the existence of object or image, we redefine the message it transmits. It is the role of the spectator to be conscious and define the distance between reality and virtuality of the works made. Fond rouge (red background) […]

Kim Asendorf

Kim Asendorf Work from Solo Show in Sim City. “Kim Asendorf is a conceptual media artist and works in a large area of digital related art. He loves to transport things from the internet into the real life and back. Kim did several projects, often based on data taken from the internet or gathered […]

Robert Overweg

Robert Overweg Work from his oeuvre. “I try not to follow the roads I am supposed to take, but try to seek out my own path within and outside the given boundaries of the game. I find joy in making use of a glitch/error which gives me the possibility to have a different look at […]

Riley Harmon

Riley Harmon Work from Passengers. “Other works explore the notion of the real self verses the virtual self. For example, in Riley Harmon’s video works “Passenger 4 (Laurel Canyon)” and “Passenger 5 (Collateral),” the artist … inserts himself in car scenes in movies, as if he was actually in them. “A lot of the things […]

Eva and Franco Mattes (aka 0100101110101101.ORG)

Eva and Franco Mattes Work from Synthetic Performances. “A series of reenactments of historical performances inside synthetic worlds such asSecond Life. All the actions are performed by Eva and Franco Mattes through their avatars, which were constructed from their bodies and faces. People can attend and interact with the live performances connecting to the video-game […]

Masaki Fujihata

Masaki Fujihata Work from Field-works “Field-Works is a series of projects which reconstrust collective memories into cyberspace as a kind of video archive by using position data captured by GPS and moving image captured by Video. Simultaneous Echos is the most recent production of the series Field-works, composting video images and locational data captured by […]

Derek Frech

Derek Frech Work from his oeuvre. This work has been on my mind for quite some time now. While I can’t quite put my finger on what it is about this work that I find so compelling, I can’t stop thinking about it. I am intrigued by how Frech exposes his process and allows it […]