Devon Oder Work from Breaking Light. “Oder’s recent work explores both the technical processes and the phenomenological experience of the viewer in relation to the medium of photography. Through imagery fluctuating between realism and abstraction, each photograph distorts the landscape, presenting a moment in time ungraspable. Without attempt to clarify but striving to further mystify, […]
Archives for the ‘polaroid’ Category
Xavier Damon
Monday, 31 August 2009
Xavier Damon Work from his oeuvre. “think back to the instant after you close your eyelids against the bright summer sun, or a moment when you catch yourself dreaming with your eyes open … our body relaxes and seems to suspend its routine activities.this is the moment when – quite unexpectedly – a subtler light shapes […]
Mike Slack
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Mike Slack Work from the series A Multitude on Unlike Events* and OK OK OK “DESCRIPTION 100 units of photographic data collected by Mike Slack from a fixed location in Los Angeles, CA, on February 5, 2007. Each envelope contains one unit of data, to be distributed to the general public during the […]