Archives for the ‘chemical process’ Category

Klea McKenna

Klea McKenna Work from Slow Burn. “Klea McKenna describes her series Slow Burn as “an ongoing series of experiments” in which each image reveals or teaches her something that leads her to the next. This approach—photography as a heuristic process, in which the “eureka” moment of one image pushes us forward toward new discoveries with […]

Jennilee Marigomen

Jennilee Marigomen Work from Absent and From the See. “Jennilee’s Marigomen’s work investigates everyday urban phenomenon. The tension between the natural world and urban intervention permeate her images with a playful undertone. Her visceral and sedative environments highlight the fleeting extraordinary.” – Jennilee Marigomen

Mariah Robertson

Mariah Robertson Work from I am Passions. “A growing number of contemporary photographers seem to be forsaking the ease and polish of digital image making for the romantic uncertainty of the darkroom. Mariah Robertson, who has shown at the SoHo gallery Guild & Greyshkul, which is now defunct, and is currently having her first solo […]

Devon Oder

Devon Oder Work from Breaking Light. “Oder’s recent work explores both the technical processes and the phenomenological experience of the viewer in relation to the medium of photography. Through imagery fluctuating between realism and abstraction, each photograph distorts the landscape, presenting a moment in time ungraspable. Without attempt to clarify but striving to further mystify, […]