Kate Steciw Work from her oeuvre (and her Tumblr). “Photographically, and aesthetically, I am interested in making a photograph “other” letting it move beyond the 2D and exist in 3 and even 4D spaces or implied spaces but also juxtaposing the mundane or expected with the altered or intangible.” – Kate Steciw via P.S.1 via […]
Archives for the ‘meta-photographic aesthetic’ Category
Ann Woo
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Ann Woo Work from her oeuvre. “I photograph things that I can’t stop myself from staring at, almost in an obsessive way. I sometimes have instant inspirations from what I see, but they are not so meaningful to me. I spend most of my time alone and often hide and read ‘self help’ books – […]