Archives for the ‘new york’ Category

Sam Falls

Sam Falls Work from his oeuvre. “I work with photography because I see everything in front of me all the time, but the more I see the less I know what I want, you know? So I make pictures that try to resolve what might not be being seen, the underlying pattern of what I […]

Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico Work from Broken Sets (ebay) and Desk Trajectories (part of her exhibition As Is). Umbrico has an opening tonight at LMAK Projects (139 Eldridge on the Lower East Side, Manhattan) that I strongly recommend you go to see. “Broken Sets (eBay) are images of the screens cropped from pictures of broken LCD TVs […]

Bill Sullivan

  Bill Sullivan Work from Works 1. Rephotographed works of LCD screens, etc. “…These works are included in the sections WORKS 1, WORKS 2, and WORKS 3. Many of these works employed various types of re-photography to create new kinds of optical texture . These works are made up of prints, photographs and works on […]

Ann Woo

Ann Woo Work from her oeuvre. “I photograph things that I can’t stop myself from staring at, almost in an obsessive way. I sometimes have instant inspirations from what I see, but they are not so meaningful to me. I spend most of my time alone and often hide and read ‘self help’ books – […]

Naho Kubota

Naho Kubota Work from Unrevealed and Minimum Structure. “Unrevealed, a continuous body of work, takes unknown organic forms and transforms them into abstract color patches using subdued colors and a soft focus. The simple use of muted colors removes the observer from the conscience and allows a disconnect from its inherent pattern making and dominance […]

Jessica Williams

Jessica Williams Work from her oeuvre. Statement from I’m Too Sad to Tell You (after Bas Jan Ader). “Crying is a powerful act; taking a photograph of oneself crying and putting it on the Internet is another matter entirely. It is a very specific cultural phenomenon and is in many ways much like a performance. […]

Gerald Edwards III

Gerald Edwards III Work from Psych Securities LLC. “With future forecasts declaring ultimate doom from all components of the man-altered world, it seems there is a clog in the conduit of information transmitted between those in control and the public at large. Black Ops, psychological torture, acoustic weapons, Project Starfire, and a multitude of other […]