Archives for the Month of January, 2014

Harun Farocki

Harun Farocki Stills from “Images of War (at a Distance)” “Harun Farocki: Images of War (at a Distance) marks the first comprehensive solo exhibition of Berlin-based artist Harun Farocki (b. 1944, German-annexed Czechoslovakia) in a U.S. museum, and features the U.S. premiere of Serious Games I–IV (2009–10), a four–part video installation at the center of the exhibition. The […]

Sebastian Jefford

Sebastian Jefford Work from his oeuvre “Sebastian Jefford makes objects, paintings, images, installations, videos and web-based works – and often things that exist somewhere in between. Familiar yet strange, a chronic artificiality pervades in his work to the point of sickliness. Humble DIY materials and domestic objects are assigned new yet curiously absurd roles. The […]

Toril Johannessen

Toril Johannessen Work from Teleportation Paradigm at Unge Kunstneres Samfund “TELEPORTED You may have had the experience of waking up in a strange place, not realizing where you are, or for a short time thinking that you are somewhere quite different? At the Teleportation Paradigm exhibition, everything has been organized for such a spatial confusion to take place – […]

Spencer Stucky

Spencer Stucky Work from his oeuvre “Whether architectural, anatomical, or miniature, the model is both object and investigative exercise.  As an object, such as a scale replica or illustrative device, a model presents authority: a hierarchy of information structured for legibility.  Yet the model is also employed for the prospective, the unmade, the planned action. […]

Mateo Tannatt

Mato Tannatt Work from his oeuvre. “Tannatt tends to circle complex political or sociological themes and then deliver works that are open and unstable, never unlocking the problems at their centre. For ‘Rendezvous Vous’, Tannatt reprinted the building’s notice of abandonment but, erasing the central chunk of its text, drew keyholes over it. He also […]

Anouk Kruithof

Anouk Kruithof  Work from her oeuvre “Anouk Kruithof considers photography as a starting point of infinite possibilities. Her method is interdisciplinary and mostly idea based. She inventively explores ideas of the picture plane, the image, and the materiality and physicality of the medium of photography. Her work is at once seductive while simultaneously critically deconstructing […]

Sebastian Black

Sebastian Black Work from his oeuvre. “One could say that the press release, considered as a medium, meets its match – for fraughtness, for derision inspiring valedictorianism, for metonymic fidelity to the churning undercurrents of value, taste, power, etc – in the medium of painting. Fine. One could also say that saying that is the cheapest price of admission […]

Olivia Erlanger

Olivia Erlanger Work from Material Studies. “Vivid, warm light fills the room and spreads over the desk as I sit and work at my computer. Daylight disappears slowly, burning, falling, bathing the Hudson River in washes of gold and rose. And while I am sure the sunset is spectacular, I keep my back turned, ignoring […]

Richard Healy

Richard Healy Work from Prone Positions “Oliver Basciano: Your work, which encompasses sculpture, installation and video has this uncanny, unworldly feel to it. This perhaps stems from your use of digital animation in the videos works, which in turn affects how the viewer receives the tangible objects. Yet we should be more familiar with this aesthetic […]