Archives for posts tagged ‘found’

Walid Raad

Walid Raad Work from The Atlas Group and Scratching on things I could disavow. “Walid Raad’s first major exhibition in a French museum covers two of his long-term projects: The Atlas Group (1989-2004) and Scratching on Things I could Disavow (2007-ongoing). The Atlas Group (1989 – 2004) was a project Raad initiated in 1989 – […]

Andrew Norman Wilson

Andrew Norman Wilson Work from ScanOps. “Through webinars, installations, power points, performances, audio meditations and videos, Andrew Norman Wilson’s interventions into the brands and infrastructures of Silicon Valley and other worldwide tech corporations question the roles of labor, power and capital; instigations, integral to understanding the movement of information economies in the global marketplace as […]

Peter Puklus

Peter Puklus Work from Handbook to the Stars. Visit the site or buy the book, the experience is vastly different than presented here. “This project is the continuation of an artistic process defined by the series Budapest Eden, started in 2009. Dreamlike symbols, mock-ups, installations, readymades. This series is the photo-documentation of a sculpting experiment, […]

Josue Rauscher

Josue Rauscher Work from his oeuvre. “I have a recurring attraction to architecture, furniture exhibition, the objects may be poor as sculptures involuntary. With the materials recovered or derived from the world of DIY, I create sculptures low-tech resulting from a chain of connections formal and simple gestures. They are usually accompanied by images that […]

Lee Gainer

Lee Gainer Work from Frankenlovley. “My work explores culturally accepted and media supported perceptions. I manipulate found imagery and objects in order to visually analyze the unwritten rules and hidden messages associated with modern American life.  By focusing on one aspect within a specific, media driven ideal, I examine the psychology behind these conventions and […]

Vanessa Billy

Vanessa Billy Work from her oeuvre. Also, there is a review of a recent show at This is Tomorrow. “To misquote Ecclesiastes, ‘The sun also rises, the sun goes down […] All art is meaningless and a striving after wind.’ Vanessa Billy’s Suns Neither Rise Nor Set (2008) comprises two convex glass discs that looked […]

Akiko Ikeda

Akiko Ikeda Work from the series Your Sight / Their Sight.