Archives for posts tagged ‘observational’

Jinwoo Hwon Lee

Jinwoo Hwon Lee Work from Tell Them I said Hello. “I was 19, when I came back by myself to the United States since being a toddler. I did not speak what everyone spoke. I knew no one. People in the small town noticed me by my color. Koreans born and raised in America thought […]

Torsten Schuman

Torsten Schuman Work from his oeuvre. “Torsten Schumann is obsessed with what people do in their freetime, especially outdoors, in nature, in the garden or on the street. He collects the split seconds of everyday situations that are irritating and odd. The perfect world of suburban Germany and post wall industrial breakdown floats on an […]

Ariel Schlesinger

Ariel Schlesinger Work from his oeuvre. “For L’Angoisse de la page blanche (The Anguish of the White Page, 2007), two sheets of standard-size copy paper are pressed up against each other as they spin in circles on a low table. A homemade arcade game, Untitled (Football Players) (1999) is poetic play with fear and dread, […]

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano Work from Found Functions. “For centuries, the arts and sciences/maths, have been at each others throats in regards to whose field is more relevant. Although I’m a strong supporter and believer in the arts, I’m also greatly fascinated with science and the endless theories it has to offer. I also think that they […]