Archives for posts tagged ‘math’

Bevis Martin and Charlie Youle

Bevis Martin and Charlie Youle Work from their oeuvre. “Over the past four years or so we have developed a collaborative practice in the conception and realisation of our work that we find liberating and interesting. It is an expression of our common interest in ambiguities in the idea of authorship and expression – having […]

Colin Guillemet

” … – Colin, a Moebius strip is to do with surfaces and edges and therefore only applies to planes, you can not do that to a doughnut since it is a three-dimensional object already existing in volume. -Duh.” Colin Guillemet Work from his oeuvre. “In Colin Guillemet’s Around the world (2009), a globe is plugged into […]

Casey Reas

Casey Reas Work from The Protean Image and Process 18 (Object 1, 2). “The Protean Image plays with the mutable nature of software. Participants modify the software by filling out programming cards that are inserted into The Protean Image Machine. The Machine reads the cards and makes alterations to the software as it’s projected onto […]

Nikki Graziano

Nikki Graziano Work from Found Functions. “For centuries, the arts and sciences/maths, have been at each others throats in regards to whose field is more relevant. Although I’m a strong supporter and believer in the arts, I’m also greatly fascinated with science and the endless theories it has to offer. I also think that they […]

François Delfosse

François Delfosse Delfosse is a Belgian architect and, as far as I can tell, is not pursuing art beyond his own edification. As such, I could find no statement or review, but I wanted to share these with you regardless, because they are pretty amazing.  Cube shadow study n°8 Cube shadow study n°4 via PYTR75