Archives for posts tagged ‘russian’

Liubov’ Popova

Liubov’ Popova “In 1912 and 1913 Lyubov Popova studied in Paris. So she was very familiar with the developments of Cubism. She also made trips to Italy where she saw Futurist work firsthand. But unlike either Cubism or Futurism she really takes a jump and severs this connection with the visual world to try to […]

Alisa Baremboym

Alisa Baremboym Work from her oeuvre. “Her intimate and frank objects combine unglazed fired terra cotta with smooth cables and straps. The clay has a flesh-like quality that informs the manufactured binding in various ways. In one piece, doughy folds of clay are twisted like a rag and loosely bound with a grey USB cord, […]

Kazimir Malevich

Kazimir Malevich Work from his oeuvre. “…In 1911, when Kandinsky speaks in “On the Spiritual in Art” about the reduction of all painterly mimesis, all representation of the world—the reduction that reveals that all paintings are actually combinations of colors and shapes—he wants to guarantee the survival of his vision of painting through all possible […]

Andrey Yazev

Andrey Yazev Work from his oeuvre. Visit the site to properly experience the works. “Andrey Yazev’s references universal browser tropes like scroll bars and pop-up windows to produce familiar yet thought-provoking web sculptures. Enlisting viewer participation to activate his works, Yazev turns observers into users by keying in on their online interface sensibilities. Intuitively […]

Tatiana Grigorenko

Tatiana Grigorenko Work from The Disappeared. “an anti-portrait of a missing protagonist. inspired by soviet-era images that were manipulated to make individuals ‘disappear’ from history. the project is an exploration of memory, presence, invisibility and historical revision. blowing up my family’s snapshots to the point that their grain structure started to fall apart, i meticulously removed […]

Ira Tviga

Ira Tviga Work from Sound-Light and Soundstills. “I move sound. Noise from one location is manifest elsewhere, and in another dimension. I turn sound into 3 dimensional objects which appear to be flat, and then heighten this sense of flattening, and of silence, with the hush of a photograph. Humans have long been intruiged by […]

Genadii Berёzkin

Genadii Berёzkin Work from his/her ouevre. Apart from the stunning combination of visual complexity, accessibility, and kitsch, I have a very difficult time articulating anything about this work. I am not alone in this, as I can find nothing written anywhere about Berëzkin that is of greater length than this post has already achieved. What […]

Jon Feinstein

Jon Feinstein Work form Pure Aesthetics and From Russia with Love. “Pure Aesthetics rejects the tendency to find meaning and substance from superficial visual experience. Building on Clement Greenberg’s ideas about abstract expressionism and the need for a tactile and purely visual perception of artwork, the images have little concept beyond their physical properties. Shiny, […]

Yola Monakhov

Yola Monakhov Work from Once Out of Nature. “My work deals with human drama from the point of view of its minor players. I photograph people, landscapes, architecture, parks, animals, and streets – locales and actors animated by difficult desires, comforts and resentments, spiritual longing, promises of amends, and a feeling of exile. I approach my […]