Archives for the ‘internet’ Category

Jimmy Joe Roche

Jimmy Joe Roche Work from his oeuvre. While not an essay on Roche, it is very fitting, and he is linked later in the article (not included). “Imagine a technological stew. In this big bubbling cauldron are piles of images, jpegs and mpegs of Super Mario Bros , Thundercats and Care Bears, strangely scratched 80s […]

Zach Shipko

Zach Shipko Work from his oeuvre. Shipko’s work is more of an examination of internet culture and kitsch than anything else. In the same way that it is accessible to the casual viewer, it also relies on a thorough understanding (or at least an informed inundation) of internet culture and various memes. I am wondering […]

Anne de Vries

Anne de Vries Work from his oeuvre. “some thoughts about my work and interests photography is not the same medium anymore as what it used to be. after you once pressed the button of your digital camera, you will need a computer instead of a dark room. since the 90s digital photography became the mainstream […]

John Michael Boling

John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman Work from Geolocation: Tributes to the Data Stream. “Each morning we follow strangers through their Twitter updates, becoming intimately involved in their banal daily errands. We imagine ourselves as virtual flâneurs, exploring cities 140 characters at a time through the lives of others. Sometimes we follow these strangers for a […]

Rafaël Rozendaal

Rafaël Rozendaal Work from,,,, and All of thee works are interactive web-based works, so the screen captures above are not representative of the full depth of each piece. Go see them. “Richard Brereton: As your online work is not for sale, how do you make a living from what you […]

Constant Dullaart

Photoshop Wave effect applied on found image of straight sea horizon, printed on a 30 step Lenticular lens. Constant Dullaart Work from his epic oeuvre. Many of his pieces, including Domain Name Readymades are experiential, go to his website and explore. Three awesome pieces 1, 2, 3. “The Dutch artist Constant Dullaart maintains a small […]

Marco Manray

Marco Manray Work from Why is there something rather than nothing? and Flatlandia. “Why is there something rather than nothing? This is the question that Leibniz poses while wondering about creation.Entering in the Metaverse, the question remains the same.Why is there something rather than nothing?How will the future landscape be? Where will our avatars pose […]

Jeremy Bailey (refresh)

Jeremy Bailey recently posted some new and fantastic work on his YouTube Channel. As such, I have updated his previous post to include some of this work.

Mary Flanagan

Mary Flanagan Work from Avatar Portraits. “Cyberspace is a socially – mediated construction, made clear through the use of avatars, or personal representations in virtual worlds. By putting ourselves into digital worlds, we lose the self and become one with virtual spaces’ new elements. It seems that an aspect of identity is released as an […]