Archives for posts tagged ‘self-promotion’

Jordan Tate

Jordan Tate Work from Gamut Warning at Denny Gallery, opening reception Sunday, September 15th from 6-8pm. “Denny Gallery is pleased to announce the first solo gallery exhibition in New York City of Jordan Tate, titled Gamut Warning and running from September 14 to October 20, 2013. Jordan Tate’s work represents a shift away from the […]

You Only Live Twice

You Only Live Twice at Kunsthalle New. Curated by Bea Fremderman. Featuring Sterling Crispin, Rachael Milton, Dmitri Obergfell, Mike Ruiz, Jordan Tate and Guy Michael Davis. “WHEN APPROACHING AN ART OBJECT WE BRING WITH US NOTIONS OF MATERIALISM, SCIENCE AND LOGIC. SIMULTANEOUSLY IN THAT MOMENT WE ARE PROVIDED WITH A RELEASE INTO BELIEF, ILLUSION, OR […]

The Collector’s Guide to New Art Photography Vol. 2

The Collector’s Guide to New Art Photography Vol. 2 Chelsea Art Museum – 556 West 22nd Street | New York, NY 10011 Launch party: Friday, March 4, 8PM – midnight. Ticketed event. Exhibition: Saturday, March 5 – Saturday, April 2, 2011 The Collector’s Guide to New Art Photography Vol. 2 is a 216-page biennial sourcebook […]

Visual Studies Workshops Registration Deadline

The registration deadline for my course at the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, NY is approaching this week (Friday). Check out the course catalog here. All courses are run for Graduate or Undergraduate credit. __________________________ Art and the Six–Million Dollar Man  July 26-July 30 This workshop will focus on processes and applications of technological reproduction […]

One Hour Photo Opens Tonight!

This should be a fantastic show with a conceptually compelling curatorial focus, if you are in the DC area I suggest you pop in from time to time to check it out. May 8 – June 6, 2010 American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center Washington, DCOpening Viewing: Saturday, May 8, 6 – 9pm […]