Archives for the ‘awesome’ Category

Justin Shull

Justin Shull Work from Terrestrial Shrub Rover. ““From the time of our birth, humans have felt a primordial urge to explore — to blaze new trails, map new lands, and answer profound questions about ourselves and our universe.” – NASA In the spirit of NASA and its forthcoming 2020 lunar expeditions in preparation for colonizing […]

Liddy Scheffknecht

Liddy Scheffknecht Work from scaffolding. “All architectural elements except the scaffolding were removed from the photograph of a building under renovation. The result is an autonomous “drawing“, which suggests the form of the erased building. The scaffolding, normally a temporary urban structure, was retained whereas the building, a permanent urban structure, was eliminated.” – Liddy Scheffknecht

Sarah Gerats

Sarah Gerats Work from her oeuvre. There is shockingly little written about Sarah Gerats, though her work seems to pop up in quite a few places. Aesthetically, she fits easily in her native land (The Netherlands) and the great majority of her works follow the aesthetic and conceptual concerns of contemporary Dutch meta-photographic works. The […]

Penelope Umbrico

Penelope Umbrico Work from Broken Sets (ebay) and Desk Trajectories (part of her exhibition As Is). Umbrico has an opening tonight at LMAK Projects (139 Eldridge on the Lower East Side, Manhattan) that I strongly recommend you go to see. “Broken Sets (eBay) are images of the screens cropped from pictures of broken LCD TVs […]

John Michael Boling

John Michael Boling (some pieces with Javier Morales). Work from his (their) oeuvre. “John Michael Boling and Javier Morales draw their inspiration from found digital material. They appropriate, remix, and re-edit old videos, images, and sounds found mostly online. The result is work that incorporates elements of Pop art, conceptual art, music videos, and satirical […]

One Hour Photo Opens Tonight!

This should be a fantastic show with a conceptually compelling curatorial focus, if you are in the DC area I suggest you pop in from time to time to check it out. May 8 – June 6, 2010 American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center Washington, DCOpening Viewing: Saturday, May 8, 6 – 9pm […]

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman

Nate Larson and Marni Shindelman Work from Geolocation: Tributes to the Data Stream. “Each morning we follow strangers through their Twitter updates, becoming intimately involved in their banal daily errands. We imagine ourselves as virtual flâneurs, exploring cities 140 characters at a time through the lives of others. Sometimes we follow these strangers for a […]

Liudvikas Buklys

Liudvikas Buklys Work from his oeuvre. “Let us say we have chosen to speak nothing but the truth. Immediately, there is a Freudian problem: should we just speak the truth as it is, or should we first take into account the circumstances and the audience to which we are speaking? There is a great difference. […]

Constant Dullaart

Photoshop Wave effect applied on found image of straight sea horizon, printed on a 30 step Lenticular lens. Constant Dullaart Work from his epic oeuvre. Many of his pieces, including Domain Name Readymades are experiential, go to his website and explore. Three awesome pieces 1, 2, 3. “The Dutch artist Constant Dullaart maintains a small […]

Tomasz Dobiszewski

Tomasz Dobiszewski Work from his oeuvre. “Tomasz Dobiszewski’s artistic explorations are accompanied by a deep knowledge of classical photography, film and digital media. In works which are evidence of artistic taming of the media he does not stop at purely conceptual cognitive strategies but enriches the discourse by non-intellectual elements such as sensual impressions or […]